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Cara Memasang Script Ram Optimizer


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The last need for speed update is the deluxe edition in 2016. Even the need for speed new movie has been created and appreciated. But as we know the NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED 2005 was the best edition in need for speed series till now. And also it's on the top need for speed games. The NFS new version updates are set to come every year and are tweaked by game developers to fix bugs, graphics problems, widescreen issues, FPS changes, HUD fixes, resolution changes, camera hacks and even they add new NFS cars. Here we are going to check how to fix NFSMW widescreen and how to get HD graphics.
Fix NFS Most Wanted WideScreen Resolution
Gamers used to search; How to NFS most wanted widescreen fix? How to get NFS MW mod loader? How to fix Need for Speed Frame rate issue? How To run NFSMW On 16:9 Widescreen? NFS Most Wanted (2005) game MOD widescreen fix? How to d3dx9_26.dll is missing in NFS Most Wanted fix? How to get NFS Most Wanted Android black screen/ graphics fix? NFS Most Wanted lag/ FPS/ HD Graphics fix? And so on..
As you know the Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2005 does not have its own widescreen support like 16:9. But with this fix you can able to play NFS: Most Wanted on all the screen resolution displays sizes including 1280×960 1366x960, 1400×1050, 1680 x 1050, or 1600×1200 as well as on 16:9 resolution widescreen displays like 1440×900, 1600×900, 1366x768, 1600x1080, 1920×1080, 1920×1200.
With this ultra widescreen method, your stretched speedometer and maps will no longer be stretched anymore. This library files will change and make the UI elements according to your sides of the screen resolution without stretching.
This widescreen resolution fix for Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) allows the NFS game to run in widescreen resolution without stretch anymore. This TRUE WIDESCREEN fix is done through the library files and settings that you need extract and copies to the game's directory, not trainer programs nor anything of the sort is required. For more in detail information with proper instructions to fix widescreen Need for Speed games, and download links, follow this page. Just download this fix zip folder and extract it to your game folder. Now run the speed.exe. That's all.
Till now I have published articles mostly on the Android fixes, and this is the first time I am trying to post solutions and fixes related to gaming. It's because the NEED FOR SPEED Most Wanted 2005 edition was my most favorite version produced by EA games.
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Need For Speed: Most Wanted is one of the most popular and evergreen games, and that is why there are updates every year to make it more delightful. Recently I have changed the laptop, and so I was facing the issue for wider screen resolution while playing Need for speed most wanted 2005. So decided to fix and share the solution about fixing the NFS Most Wanted Widescreen issues along with shadow and new graphic mod + high-resolution texture effect.
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[Fix] Need For Speed Most Wanted WideScreen 60FPS + HD Graphics

It's simple, and you don't need any tool or software to make it possible. If you have 1.2 version, then you need to make it 1.3 (Link is provided). You can check your version just at the beginning of the game.
1. Update your game to 1.3 version:
Download from GamerShell: https://goo.gl/415u7J
(file size: 12MB)
2. Download the Need For Speed: Most Wanted WideScreen Fix plugin:
Download zip file from GitHub-ThirteenAG: https://goo.gl/tAKBt9
(file size: 3MB)
3. Extract everything from the 'NFSMostWanted.WidescreenFix' .rar or .zip and copy all the contents including 'scripts' folder to the game directory.
4. Run speed.exe
5. That's all.
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Need For Speed Most Wanted HD Graphics + Texture 2018

1. Download: NFSMW Mod Loader.
Download from GameBanana: https://goo.gl/XTJvHC
(file size: 50kb)
2. To Install MODLOADER, copy all the content of 'MOD Loader manual install' folder to the game directory.
3. Now from the game directory open the file 'modloader.ini' & change: ForceEnable=1
4. Download 'Modern Rockport 1.0' & 'Texture Mod'
Texmod: https://goo.gl/bV9D2p (file size: 583KB)
Modern Rockport: https://goo.gl/bV9D2p (file size: 85MB)
(These mods are built with new hi-resolution graphics for roads, better quality for trees & grass, and new texture effects for islands, hills, sky, and others parts of visuals.)
5. To install 'Modern Rockport 1.0'; copy all the contents to the game directory.
6. There is a folder 'Bonus lighting' contains different versions of lighting effect for HD graphics view,
To use lightings, you need to copy files to ADDONS >> CARS_REPLACE >> LIGHTING >> paste and replace here.
There are 3 lighting effects for each effect you need to copy paste 3 times.
Recommended using '#1' for the brighter view.
7. Now run 'Start NFS MW Mod Loader.bat' file, and it will launch the game.
8. To get improved Visual effects, go to >> video settings >> advanced >>
Over Bright >> Turn ON
Visual Treatment >> High
9. That's all.
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Run NFS Most Wanted 2005 in Hi-Res HD Texture + 60FPS

1. Go to Game directory >>TEXTURES
2. Open 'Texmod.exe'
3. Click on the folder icon from 'Target Application' box and choose 'speed.exe.'
4. Make sure the 'Package Mode' is clicked on.
5. Now to select package, click on the folder icon. Find & choose 'Modern Rockport 1.0.tpf' file.
In the small window at the right side, it will show its version. (figure)
6. Click on 'Run.'
7. Starting with the new textures, it will take 2 minutes to run.
8. That's all, your game will run in high resolution and HD graphics.
9. Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE this page.
I have recently posted a new page on you can check; 15 Best Ways, Speed Up Your Android WITHOUT ROOT
The Modern Rockport 2 with more features and better graphics is testing as a beta version and the final version is launching soon. Stay with us, and we will keep you informed with new updates.
If you facing any issues or want a solution on the bug you facing, then you can share it or contact us via the comment section shown below. I will try to solve and update you, and it will further help to others as well.

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komputerdia.com, Mempunyai RAM yang kecil tentunya bisa menjadi suatu masalah tersendiri bagi para pengguna smartphone, pasalnya RAM merupakan salah satu faktor yang cukup penting dalam meningkatkan performa dari smartphone selain dari faktor lainnya yakni Processor.
Bagi para gamers RAM merupakan sesuatu aspek yang sangat penting, saat ini game - game yang support di android kebanyakannya sudah memerlukan kapsitas RAM yang cukup besar pasalnya grafik game yang disuguhkan pun sudah mempunyai kategori HD.
Pada artikel seblumnya saya telah menjelaskan tentang 6 Cara mengembalikan foto, video dan data penting lainnya yang terhapus di android . Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba menjelaskan langkah - langkah yang bisa anda lakukan untuk Menambah RAM android tanpa akses Root dan dengan Akses Root.

  • Cara membuka aplikasi android yang dikunci dengan Pengunci Aplikasi .

1. Dengan menggunakan Smart Booster

  • Langkah pertama silahkan anda download aplikasi Smart Booster di google playstore dan install sampai selesai
  • Selanjutnya jika proses instal sudah selesai, silahkan anda buka aplikasi tersebut dan silahkan anda klik tombol start now
  • Untuk memulai melepas RAM, silahkan anda tekan icon roket di kanan bawah layar anda
  • Untuk melepas semakin banyak RAM, masuk ke Setting dan silahkan anda pilih menu Ram Boost serta ganti Boost Level-nya jadi Aggressive.
  • Tetap berada di menu Ram Boost, selanjutnya silahkan anda centang Boost when screen off, serta ganti juga Delay to boost when screen off nya jadi Immediately.
  • Supaya anda tdk melakukan pelepasan RAM dengan cara terus-menerus, anda dapat centang Boost automatically ganti RAM threshold (MB) jadi 100MB serta atur Boost interval-nya jadi 5 minutes atau lebih lama.
  • (Optional) Bila perangkat Android anda telah di-root, anda dapat coba langkah berikut ini.
  • Masuk ke menu Experimental selanjutnya centang Root RAM Booster. Hal semacam ini bakal menaikkan pelepasan RAM.
  • Berikut adalah penampakan sebelumnya serta setelah pelepasan RAM dengan Smart Booster :

2. Dengan Menggunakan RAM Expander

  • Langkah Pertama silahkan anda sediakan perlengkapan dibawah ini
    - HP Android yang sudah di root
    - Kapasitas ruangan microSD yang cukup
    - ROM harus mensupport Kernels Swap
    - Aplikasi RAM Expander
  • Jika anda belum mempunyai aplikasi RAM Expander, silahkan anda download dan install aplikasi tersebut di google playstore
  • Jika sudah terinstall silahkan anda buka aplikasi tersebut, Pada step awal ini isilah berapakah besar size MB sesuai sama apa yang diinginkan anda. contoh bila anda isi dengan nilai 500 maka nilai memory jadi 300+500 = 872 MB. Bila tidak mau repot , anda dapat pilih Maksimal Value yang ada di sudut kiri bawah. jadi dengan cara automatis system aplikasi bakal mendeteksi ukuran optimal dari microSD itu.
  • Setelah itu kita akan melihat bagian swappines dan silahkan anda isiyang pas berdasarkan smartphone anda, dikarenakan setiap smartphone tidak sama kecocokanya. rentang ukuranya sendiri pada 0 – 100.
  • Jika swappines dan Size MB telah terisi , langkah selanjutnya silahkan anda segera tekan Swap Active. mungkin saja sistem ini bakal memakan waktu yang cukup lama serta tak dianjurkan untuk meng-close aplikasi saat swap file ini tengah jalan lantaran dapat mengakibatkan ponsel anda jadi ngelag atau ngehang.
  • Bila sistem sudah tuntas bakal terlihat satu data di monitor dan setelah itu silahkan anda centang AutoRun supaya sistem ini dapat jalan dengan cara automatis serta anda tak perlu ribet melakukanya berulang-ulang
  • Bila proses pembuatan swap telah usai, langkah selanjutnya silahkan anda tekan tombol close serta silahkan restart Android Anda untuk merasakan performa yang lebih cepat.

3. Dengan Menggunakan RAM Optimizer

  • Langkah yang saya pakai selanjutnya yaitu dengan memasukan script RAM optimizer pada android. manfaat dari script ini yaitu untuk menaikkan dan mengatur prosespemakaian aplikasi supaya tak boros pada saat penggunaan walaupun buka banyak aplikasi sekalian.
  • Aplikasi ini bernama RAM manageryaitu aplikasi APK Yang dapat menambah dan meningkatkan Kapastias RAM Android anda, Di saat adroid anda telah memiliki akses Root, dengan memakai aplikasi ini kecepatan Kemampuan Android anda Jadi Maksimal. Jika anda belum mempunyai aplikasi Ram Manager ini, anda bisa mendownloadnya di playstore
  • Balance : Mode yang ini bisa anda gunakan untuk keperluan sehari - hari
  • Hard Gaming : Mode ini digunakan untuk Menyetabilkan RAM Android anda untuk Bermain game On-line serta Off line dengan keperluan Yang tinggi
  • Clean Memory : Mode yang ini digunakan untuk Bersihkan Cache memory RAM Anda
  • Memory Grap Untuk Menampilan Info Dari Memory Internal serta Eksternal Di android anda.
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