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How Common Are Parasites In Humans


Human parasites may cause many health problems, steal the nutrients, secrete toxins and cause pain in their hosts. It is important to recognize the symptoms of parasites in humans in order to treat the condition on time and avoid further damages to the health.

What are Parasites?

A parasite is an organism that lives in another organism from which it obtains nutrients important for its survival. Since a parasite cannot produce its own food, it depends on a host thus it must find one in order to survive. Relationship between humans and parasites is not symbiotic and only parasites can benefit from a host while humans may suffer from different infections and illnesses because of parasites. Human parasites live everywhere in our environment and can be ingested through food, water or air.

Common Symptoms of Parasites n Humans
Most people do not experience significant symptoms caused by human parasites. However, there are some common symptoms that may indicate human parasite infection. The following symptoms mainly refer to intestinal parasites in humans.


Diarrhea, especially, when accompanied with foul smelling of stool, may indicate infection with parasites such as protozoa. Download anime carnival phantasm bd sub indo. Protozoa produces hormone like substance known as prostaglandin, which causes sodium and chloride loss in the body and results in frequent watery stool. There may be even traces of blood present in the stool. Tamil books online.


Another common symptom of intestinal parasites is constipation which can be caused by large size and shape of certain worms. These worms can obstruct bile duct and the intestinal tract leading to irregular bowel movements.


Anemia may occur due to presence of large number of certain worms such as human tapeworms. They can leach vital nutrients from the human body and draw out the blood causing iron deficiency and anemia.

Bloating and Gas
Intestinal parasites may cause inflammation of intestines leading to bloating and flatulence. If this condition persist and isn’t associated with foods it indicates presence of intestinal parasites.

Muscle and Joint Pain
Certain parasites live in joint fluids and muscles and cause inflammation as a result of tissue damage. This causes lot of pain in muscles and joints.


Fatigue may occur due to human parasites because they take away the vital nutrients and lead to malabsorption of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This may also cause symptoms such as depression, tiredness, apathy and impaired concentration.


Allergies may occur because the body may response to intestinal parasites by producing antibodies such as eosinophilis. The eosinophilis can cause inflammation of the body tissues and lead to an allergic reaction. This includes food allergies, hives, rashes, ulcers, swelling and sores.

Other Symptoms of Human Parasites Download kode cheat crush gear epsxe.

Other symptoms that a person affected by human parasites may experience include: nervousness, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, loss of weight and constant hunger, itching around the nose, ears and anus and chronic ear and sinus infection.

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