Hello John_Smith3,
Delphi 9 and Delphi 2010 are compatible with Windows 7, but are not manufactured by Borland. Delphi 4 seems to be an older version that is not compatible with Windows 7. You can try in Compatibility mode as Marcelo suggested.
If the program is not compatible, then you may try to install and run the program in compatibility mode.
Use the following steps:
1)Right click on the Program
2)Click on Properties
3)Click on Compatibility tab
4)Select Run this program in compatibility mode and select Windows Vista or whatever operating system the program was running successfully.
Refer to the link here: Make older programs run in this version of Windows
If the compatibility is not successful, then try and run the Program Compatibility troubleshooter:
1. Open the Program Compatibility troubleshooter by clicking the Start button.
Then click Control Panel. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and then click Troubleshooting. Under Programs, click Run programs made for previous versions of Windows.
2. Follow the instructions in the troubleshooter.
If you cannot install a program, insert the installation disc for the program and, using the troubleshooter, browse to the program's setup file, usually called Setup.exe, Install.exe, or something similar. The troubleshooter is not designed to work on programs that have an .msi file name extension.
You can check with Borland and see if they have any updates to your version to make it compatible.
Another option would be to use Windows XP mode and Virtual PC if you are running Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate.
(http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/default.aspx) and execute your software in Windows XP.
If you run Windows 7 Home Premium, try VirtualBox (www.virtualbox.org) or VMware Player (www.vmware.com) and install a separate copy of Windows XP (either Home Edition or Professional) for that purpose.
Hope this helps to answer your questions.